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Acer quietly launches C710-2605 Chromebook for $299

Acer has quietly launched an updated version of the $199 C7 Chromebook today dubbed Acer C710-2605 that has doubles the features of the previous C7 Chromebook. Acer C710-2605 packs a 11.6″ HD CineCrystal LED-backlit LCD display and is powered by 1.1GHz Intel Celeron 847 processor alike the previous model.

Acer has doubled the RAM to 4GB and also storage to 500GB in C710-2605 from the 2GB and 320GB respectively. Google is offering 100 GB Google Drive Cloud Storage for the first two years. The rest includes an integrated webcam, three USB 2.0 ports, a HDMI, VGA port, Ethernet and Wifi 802.11a/b/g/n.
Acer has upgraded the battery to 5000 mAh Li-ion from the 2,500 mAh in C7 Chromebook and is expected to offer a maximum battery time of 6hrs. Chromebook C710-2605 is a good pick for a price of $300.


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Author: SriRaman
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