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Press for Android is a news reader that actually cares about design (hands-on)

Press, a new RSS reader for Android developed by Twentyfive Squares, is a serious breath of fresh air in the Play Store. While there are a lot of options for RSS on Android, none of them have really matched something like Reeder for iOS, with its simple, functional, and attractive design — the official Google Reader app is laughably spartan, Reader HD is functional but clunky, and Feedly looks good but gets bogged down in an overwrought UI.

There are subtle buttons up top to alter the font size, and you can select from a number of fonts — the default is Adobe's excellent Source Sans Pro

The app is so thoughtfully designed in other areas, though, that I'm pretty confident the issue will be addressed soon. It might not be the most feature-complete RSS reader on Android — there's no dark reading mode, no magazine-style layout, and no widget — but it's unquestionably the most focused and attractive. It's available now for $1.99 in the Play Store.


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Author: SriRaman
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