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Can Sony NEX-6 pocket-sized camera finally kill your DSLR?

It is surprising that new Sony NEX-6 camera can fullfill all the requirements needed for the professional photographer.It comes with affordable cost and with comfortable compatibility whick makes eager to unbox it.And it stands higher by having a higher battery backup which provide 800 shots ,which saves you to carry a external charger or other battery backups.

  The hardware feature of this cmaera is really surprising which has 16.1 megapixels APS-C sensor which provides the extreme quality images.Even in low lighting the ISO goes upto 25,600.NEX cameras have always been solid pint-sized camcorders, and the NEX-6 upholds the tradition. It shoots 1080p video at 60 or 24 frames per second, in the AVCHD format that's kind of a pain to deal with but is increasingly common in these cameras. You can also shoot MP4 footage, but the only HD option is 1440 x 1080 — your best bet is probably to just deal with managing AVCHD. Video generally looks great, but beware if either you or your subject is moving quickly — the NEX-6 shows a lot of the rolling shutter effect, turning solid objects into wavy, wobbly jello as you move quickly.

 The camera can turn on and capture a photo in about three seconds, and takes about a half-second between shots in single-shot mode. It can shoot five or six per second in continuous mode — actually it can go even faster, up to about 10 per second, but for most people I'd recommend sticking with the plain-vanilla continuous mode, which re-focuses before every shot and is still plenty fast. The NEX-6 is fast without being mind-blowingly so, but the intuitive and powerful controls make it feel zippier than any NEX I've used before.

source : the verge


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Author: SriRaman
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